Follow God with Humility
Key Point
Here is the key point today! Learn from others, follow God with humility. There are many harsh lessons in life that don’t have to be difficult if we are willing to learn from others. We can learn from anybody. Sometimes we learn from their mistakes, and other times, we learn from their wisdom and good decisions.
About the Story
In today’s story, we are going to learn from someone’s pride and arrogance. This person had gotten to the point where they did not put God first and his pride prevented him from having a good relationship with God. Arrogance is a serious issue that can destroy your own life and hurt the people around you! That is why we must learn from others so that we can follow God with humility.
Today’s story is the 5th story in the book of Daniel, and you can find it in Daniel, chapter 5. There have been many years that have gone by since our last story, and there is a new King. His name is Belshazzar, which is very similar to Daniel’s Babylonian name, Belteshazzar. Daniel remained in this latest King’s service, but now he was much older.
We need people in our lives that can remind us of our place in this world.
Learn from others, follow God with humility. King Belshazzar did not learn, or perhaps he ignored the lessons from Nebuchadnezzar. We need people in our lives that can remind us of our place in this world. Last week we learned that God is the greatest, which means we are not the greatest.
We are not horrible humans with no hope. God made us in His image, which makes us pretty awesome, and in all of creation, there is nothing like a human being. God made us unique and special as a species and as individuals, but we are also dependent on him. We can not live well apart from him. We cannot have the life God created us for if we are arrogant. To live the life, He made us for; we must follow God with humility.