168 Discussion | Jesus Dwells Within You

Jesus Dwells Within You
Bible Story Podcast
168 Discussion | Jesus Dwells Within You

Today we saw Mary go to visit Elizabeth for three months, and we learned some very interesting things, including the reality that God lives in us. If you are a follower of Jesus, his Spirit dwells within you.

Jesus Dwells Within You
Bible Story Podcast
168 Discussion | Jesus Dwells Within You

168 Discussion | Jesus Dwells Within You

Today we saw Mary go to visit Elizabeth for three months, and we learned some very interesting things, including the reality that God lives in us. If you are a follower of Jesus, his Spirit dwells within you.

Story Episode
Luke 1:39-56


  1. Describe for others what you have discovered about your identity. Do you have questions for God about your identity?
  2. God dwelling in us brings blessings with it. We need to acknowledge and live into His presence to truly share these blessings with others. Do you find acknowledging His presence is hard in certain places? Do you think that it hinders or stopped you from enjoying and sharing His blessings with other people? 
  3. Elizabeth spoke with tremendous insight into Mary’s life. If you were to meet with someone that insightful what would you ask them and why?
Prayer Requests

At the end of your discussion, go around the group and ask for prayer requests.

By Jon Drebert

A little about me: I decided to follow Jesus at a very early age while my mom made cookies and I ate cookie dough. I have an awesome family. My wife and I have three amazing kids. I serve as the Executive Director of Covenant Bay Bible Camp at Pigeon Lake, AB. Outdoor activities, music, sports, and learning are some of my favourite things to do.