Discussion | Find Your Place
Cassidy: You are listening to the discussion questions for the episode, Find Your Place.
Aidan: Today’s story was taken from Nehemiah, Chapters 11-12.
Jon: Early in the story, we find a record of people who relocated to Jerusalem and a record of people who lived in other places throughout Judah. The people dedicated the walls with a big celebration, and on the same day, people were appointed to collect the tithes and offerings.
Story Episode
Nehemiah 11-12
- Cassidy: Where do you live and with whom? Do you feel like you belong?
- Jon: What traditions and celebrations do you have that unify your family or community? What celebrations could you add to help with that, and what would you celebrate?
- Aidan: How do you give back to your family and community? How do you feel about your contribution?
Growth Tip
Aidan: I have a great tip today. Tell someone about a story that involves you and God. It may be when first learned of God or responded to him, or it could be about his provision, healing or leading. Just tell a story that shows people your place with God!
Jon: I like that. It doesn’t need to be a person’s entire life story with God but just one smaller story.
Prayer Requests
At the end of your discussion, go around the group and ask for prayer requests.