Discussion | There Is No Rock Like Our God
Bradon: You are listening to the Questions for the Episode – No rock like our God.
Jon: We learned about Hannah, who was Samuel’s mother. Her inability to have children and her desperation in that! She eventually did have a child, Samuel, who will grow up to be a prophet. In an act of worship and thankfulness to the Lord for His provision, she offers the child back to God.
Story Episode
1 Samuel 1 – 2:11
- How do you wish to grow in your faith this year?
- Think of Hannah, do you have a prayer you are desperate to have answered?
- What is an area of your faith you need assurance in?
Growth Tip
Bradon: Alright, before we run out of time! Our growth tip today is this, think about your own character, who you are in God. What is a characteristic that helps make you unique? I want you to think of that thing, pray about it, settle on it for a week.
Jon: oh is this a two-part growth tip?
Bradon: Once you have one characteristic, something that is important to you, a characteristic you like about yourself, hold onto it, and tune in next week to follow up with the second half of this tip!
Prayer Requests
At the end of your discussion, go around the group and ask for prayer requests.