Discussion | Jesus Brings Peace
We learned in the story that Jesus brings peace. We met Micah, a prophet who foretold destruction to Jerusalem and the Israeli people because of the corrupt and greedy life they were leading. Micah then also continues to share the redemption message that comes through a baby born – a new messianic leader – A shepherd that leads His people to peace – The person we know as Jesus!
Jesus Brings Peace
- Bradon discussed the difficulty or challenges in sharing Hope this last week. How did you all do with the growth tip? What made it easy or what made it a challenge?
- We see Micah give some pretty heavy news to the leaders. Literally saying the towns will be destroyed because of their actions! How do you think you would react if you were like Micah and shared similar news?
- What does peace look like in your life right now? Where do you have it? Where do you need more of it?
Growth Tip
This evening before bed, I want us to have a conversation with a friend or family member. Talk about what areas in life you are experiencing peace and what areas need more peace. Submit all of these areas to God and I am confident he will bring you peace.
Yeah, and it may not be right away but he brings peace so stay the course and keep submitting yourselves to Christ our Shepherd!
Prayer Requests
At the end of your discussion, go around the group and ask for prayer requests.