172 What is your core belief?

What is Your Core Belief
Bible Story Podcast
172 What is your core belief?

172 What is your core belief?

Jon: What is your core belief?

Bradon: For Paul, it was the truth of the good news that he worked to keep aligned with the teachings and life of Jesus.

Discussion Episode
Galatians 1:1-10

172 Discussion | What is your core belief?

Bible Story Podcast
Bible Story Podcast
172 Discussion | What is your core belief?

167 Discussion | What if I Don’t Think I Can?

Paul writes to the Galatian Churches and is challenging them not to lose sight of the core belief that he taught them – the good news! Like the Galatians, we may also feel pressure to fit in and allow the culture to shape us vs Jesus.

Story Episode
Galatians 1:1-10


  1. In Verse 4, Paul talks about his core belief and describes the world as evil. How does that description make you feel?
  2. Are there any specific challenges about the culture you live in that are at odds or in tension with the teachings of Jesus?
  3. It’s best that our core beliefs come from scripture. Describe what you want your habit of studying scripture to look like? Where might you need help with that?
Prayer Requests

At the end of your discussion, go around the group and ask for prayer requests.

171 Jesus is Born – does my life change?

does my life change
Bible Story Podcast
171 Jesus is Born - does my life change?

171 Jesus is Born – does my life change?

Bradon: Has an event ever changed your life?

Jon: Absolutely! I can think of a few.

Bradon: Great! Hold that thought! I will follow up

Discussion Episode
Luke 2:21-40

171 Discussion | Jesus is Born – does my life change?

does my life change
Bible Story Podcast
171 Discussion | Jesus is Born - does my life change?

171 Discussion | Jesus is Born – does my life change?

Jesus is Born and we saw Simeon and Anna meet Jesus for the first time and how it impacted them.

Story Episode
Luke 2:21-40


  1. How do you connect with the Christmas Story? 
  2. What does the Birth of Jesus mean to you?
  3. How would you like to experience God more fully this year?
Prayer Requests

At the end of your discussion, go around the group and ask for prayer requests.

170 Go See, Go Tell

Go See, Go Tell
Bible Story Podcast
170 Go See, Go Tell

170 Go See, Go Tell

Jon: When my kids were born, I was telling everyone. I was so pumped and everyone was excited for my wife and me. Such an incredible experience!

Bradon: As great as your story is. Today we hear of an even more incredible story that was too amazing not to share!

Discussion Episode
Luke 2:1-20

170 Discussion | Go See, Go Tell

Go See, Go Tell
Bible Story Podcast
170 Discussion | Go See, Go Tell

169 Are We Prepared

Are We Prepared
Bible Story Podcast
169 Are We Prepared

169 Are We Prepared

Bradon: Jon, have you ever done something you were GREATLY unprepared for? 

Jon: Well, we already went over my triathlon story a few weeks ago… you want another embarrassing story!?

Bradon: Oh, Right! That was a great story! We can save you from that today, I might just have a good story to share.

Discussion Episode
Luke 1:57-80

169 Discussion | Are We Prepared

Are We Prepared
Bible Story Podcast
169 Discussion | Are We Prepared

169 Discussion | Are We Prepared

Elizabeth and Zechariah have baby John. We asked what it means to be prepared and looked at how we can make a plan to do that.

Story Episode
Luke 1:57-80


  1. What does your day-to-day with Jesus look like? Talk about your heart, moments of connection, prayer, absence etc… 
  2. How do you want your day-to-day time with Jesus to look? Again, Talk about your heart, moments of connection, prayer, absence etc… 
  3. What are some steps you would like to take? Think one year from now. If you followed through with these steps for 365 days, how different would your life look?
Prayer Requests

At the end of your discussion, go around the group and ask for prayer requests.

168 | Jesus Dwells Within You

Jesus Dwells Within You
Bible Story Podcast
168 | Jesus Dwells Within You

168 | Jesus Dwells Within You

As a Christian, you house the spirit of Jesus Christ. Embracing this will change your identity. This new identity will impact every aspect of your life.

Discussion Episode
Luke 1:39-56

168 Discussion | Jesus Dwells Within You

Jesus Dwells Within You
Bible Story Podcast
168 Discussion | Jesus Dwells Within You

168 Discussion | Jesus Dwells Within You

Today we saw Mary go to visit Elizabeth for three months, and we learned some very interesting things, including the reality that God lives in us. If you are a follower of Jesus, his Spirit dwells within you.

Story Episode
Luke 1:39-56


  1. Describe for others what you have discovered about your identity. Do you have questions for God about your identity?
  2. God dwelling in us brings blessings with it. We need to acknowledge and live into His presence to truly share these blessings with others. Do you find acknowledging His presence is hard in certain places? Do you think that it hinders or stopped you from enjoying and sharing His blessings with other people? 
  3. Elizabeth spoke with tremendous insight into Mary’s life. If you were to meet with someone that insightful what would you ask them and why?
Prayer Requests

At the end of your discussion, go around the group and ask for prayer requests.