If we hold to the idea of there is no foundation like God imagine the type of confidence we would have. There is no rock like our God.
There Is No Rock Like Our God
Bradon: You ever hear the expression “New year, new me?”
Jon: Yeah! I hear that a lot, especially around this time of year!
Bradon: Well, this year, I am going by “New year, Same old me.”
Jon: It doesn’t have the same ring, but I am sure we will find out more in our next episode!
Discussion Episode
1 Samuel 1 – 2:11
About the Story
Bradon: Well, thank you for sharing honestly, My name is Bradon, and that is Jon; this is the 9th season of the Bible Story Podcast – A Podcast where we believe a growing relationship with Jesus is the most important thing you can do!
Jon: That we do! I am flabbergasted that we are in season 9! It will be a new year when this airs, so many changes!
Bradon: but new year, same old me – Remember?
Jon: oh right, I remember, but you still have to explain yourself.
Bradon: Well, we have both mentioned before how new years resolutions aren’t our favourite. We opt for the theme option at the beginning of each year and try our best to be prayerfully considerate of an area of growth we believe God is leading us into.
Jon: and we let that area of growth inform the theme for the year!
Bradon: exactly! That way, when we look back, it is pretty easy to see if we have grown in that area or not!
Jon: Okay, but same old you; what do you mean by that?
Bradon: All I am saying by that is that I have been leaning more and more into who God has created me to be. At least, that has been my intent over many years. I no longer wish to reinvent myself at the beginning of each January; I would rather remain who I am – recognize my failures and faults, of which I have plenty, and grow from those areas! To keep growing, I have to know where I am, and the whole” “New Me” idea seems to forget that! Plus, as cliche as it may sound, I am made in Christ; it isn’t me and my efforts to be better that will make me new.
Jon: That is an excellent explanation – and fitting for the theme of Season 9 – we will be reading through 1 Samuel collectively. This book was split up many years ago into 1 and 2 because of the original writing length.
Bradon: so really, 1 Samuel and 2 Samuel are one entire story?
Jon: correct – we will also be introduced to three critical characters as we read through this story; God uniquely uses each individual who, just like you, is flawed. We, as the readers, will be able to recognize where they see their flaws and where they do not!
Bradon: we may even see some growth in each character along the way.
Jon: The three central men that we will read about throughout the book of Samuel will be in order. Samuel, Saul, and David
Bradon: Wow, it sounds like some big names! I will be the first to admit I don’t know every detail about the people in the Bible, but I do know Saul and King David are pretty important people!
Jon: and Samul is right there with them!
Bradon: I think it is pretty inspiring, honestly. Often I set goals to be better and recognize what God has gifted me with or provided for me. But I don’t think I have ever gifted anything close to a child back to Him. I have a hard enough time simply giving Him time!
Jon: I think if we hold the idea that there is no rock like our God in mind this week, month, or even all year. Imagine the type of confidence and assurance we would have. There is no foundation as strong, as ready as God is for our lives.
Bradon: Pretty encouraging. Big steps in many ways too. It is calling for some understanding and big acts of faith.
Jon: Well, I guess that is always part of growth. We are being challenged in our faith to grow.
Bradon: good point!
Jon: Alright – time to get into our first growth tip of 2022!