Sin Has Consequences
Bradon: I am going to give you a heads up on a question we are going to be talking about next. Are you ready?
Jon: Okay, so I and the audience can have some time to think about this question and come up with a great answer!
Bradon: Exactly! What was the last hard thing you learned?
Jon: go ahead, give it some thought with me! Tune in as we chat about it in our next episode.
Discussion Episode
1 Samuel 21
About the Story
Bradon: Okay so Jon, you have had a while to think about the question I posed to you? What do you think, what was the last hard thing you learned?
Jon: Well bradon that is a tough question!
Bradon: It is supposed to be. I think it fits well with where we see David in the next few chapters. So I thought I would put you on the spot.
Jon: God is in control. It seems to me that this is a lesson that I am constantly being reminded of and taught. I do not have control of my life much less the world. I can get stressed trying to gain control or I can rest in the fact that God is in control of all and is working things out for the good of those who love him! It’s a really hard thing to remember and live by when panic or depression sets in but I am working on it!
Bradon: That is tough! Sometimes the lessons make so much sense in hindsight.
Jon: totally. We don’t always see them from where we are initially.
Bradon: Okay. I want to catch us up to where David is within these last few chapters of 1 Samual. David was becoming very trusted in the region and even Saul, the current King was very appreciative of David’s ability to play the lyre and calm his restless spirit.
Jon: David also defeated a HUGE Philistine man, and he was simply a young boy at the time. People were really starting to take note of who David was and his character.
Bradon: And We cannot forget that Samual the prophet anointed David to be the next King. Unknown by Saul.
Jon: Saul grew Jealous of David. Saul knew someone better would replace Him and was constantly paranoid of whom that might be.
Bradon: So paranoid he threw a spear at David’s head to try and kill him.
Jon: Which brings us to where we are in 1 Samual 21 and 22.
Bradon: We read about David fleeing for his life. Scared that Saul would kill Him.
Jon: But also I think there is an important part where we see David unsure of the promises of God.
Bradon: I agree. David knew that he was anointed, through Samual, by God to be the next King. for this to happen he would have to survive.
Jon: Right, it seems as though he may be questioning the provision of God and therefore running away on His own.
Bradon: I am struggling with this one… it doesn’t really seem like there is much to learn. Or at least it doesn’t seem like David had much to learn even though he realized his actions caused many deaths.
Jon: I think our takeaway is this. Our sin has consequences.
Bradon: But it sucks knowing that sometimes those consequences fall on other people.
Jon: totally, I get that. Our sin doesn’t just affect us!
Bradon: okay I get that, but what about David, there also seems to be an issue with his heart and in how he is trusting God.
Jon: Ohh I agree, BUT, remember, oftentimes in the Bible, we need to keep reading and discover more context to fully get to the understanding we want. Sometimes that takes years!
Bradon: Okay, so our sin has consequences.
Jon: precisely, but keep those thoughts about David’s heart. We will definitely dig more into that in the weeks to come!