Discussion | Sin Has Consequences
Bradon: You are listening to the discussion questions for the episode Sin has consequences.
Jon: we read about David, having an extremely tough time finding his trust in God. He is fleeing for his life and telling any lie needed to be safe. As saul follows his path we see that David leaves several people in harm’s way because of the lies he told. Eventually, this leads to the death of the Priest and his whole family. David’s sin had many consequences he didn’t see until much later.
Story Episode
1 Samuel 21
- Bradon: What does it look like to doubt God?
- Jon: What do you like about reading the Bible? What do you find challenging about it?
Bradon: Have you ever experienced something similar to David? Did your actions lead to someone else’s consequence?
Growth Tip
Jon: I think sometimes we forget the grandness of God. His mere size and wonder. Something like we see David doing in this chapter. so, I want you to go outside, or around your house and make yourself small, try to see things from a bug’s perspective. Lay on the ground and crawl through the grass or around the furniture. Take in a new perspective. Think about what it is like to be the size of an ant.
Bradon: Haha oh man… This actually sounds really fun!
Jon: See I told you. I hope it reminds you of how Big and Awesome God is… in a fun and ridiculous way!
Prayer Requests
At the end of your discussion, go around the group and ask for prayer requests.