Discussion | Don’t Understand? Trust God Anyway.
Even if you or I don’t understand God’s instructions, we all should trust God anyway because he is good and faithful to us.
Abraham has been given a promise from God to be the father of a great nation. His son Isaac has been born to him and his wife, Sarah. He is told by God to sacrifice Isaac to God. This instruction from God is crazy, and they don’t really talk about, but then Abraham leads Isaac to the top of a mountain where they build an altar. He then ties Isaac to the Alter, and with his knife in his hand, he is ready to sacrifice his son Isaac, but God shouts, “Abraham, Abraham Stop.”
Abraham listens and is probably panicked and sweating and overwhelmed with emotion! God stops, and what we see that it is more about Abraham’s willingness to obey and trust God in this crazy colossal ask from God!
Rememer You Don’t have to Understand God’s instructions, to trust God.
Even if you don’t understand, trust God anyway.
- Have you ever thought or felt God was asking something specific of you?
- How can you still trust God even though you may not FULLY understand Him?
- What are areas in your life that trust is hard to give to God?
Growth Tip
By the time you read this, we will have celebrated Canadian Thanksgiving Oct 11 and 12. I can’t think of anyone in this story more thankful than Abraham, besides for Isaac.
Everyone in this story is thankful. God is grateful for their obedience. Abraham and Isaac are pleased that God stopped Abraham and provided a ram for the sacrifice.
Who are you thankful for? Go and tell them and others how much you appreciate them and are grateful for them.
Prayer Requests
At the end of your discussion, go around the group and ask for prayer requests.