Don’t Understand? Trust God Anyway
Key Point
If you don’t understand, trust God anyway. The Bible is overwhelming at times! But don’t let that discourage you from reading more or continuing to learn from it. Remember, you do not have to figure it all out! God often reveals things over time, which leads me to the lesson of the week. We do not have to understand God to trust God.
About the Story
This story is a lot to take in. It appears super strange from just reading it. We see God ask some bizarre things of Abraham, the person from the story last week, the one who had already left his entire life, and father’s inheritance to follow God. Even though Abraham doesn’t understand, he trusts God anyway.
We see God change the names of Abram and Saria to Abraham and Sarah, Which helps indicate or show the promises God has given them. Abraham means “Father of Many,” which shows a specific promise God made with Abraham.
Abraham has already left behind so much to follow God. His inheritance, his comfort, and he moved to a different area to be faithful to God. And trust me, today’s story takes it one step further!
So a bit of background to this story. We now see Abraham and Sarah as parents, continuing to follow the promises of God in being parents of many. This promise is a little strange because Abraham and Sarah were pretty old to be having children. Something that they had given up on, but God blessed them in that and honoured their faithfulness with a child, who they named Issac.
We see that this child Issac also receives promises or covenants from God. God Promises to make Issac into a great nation! That is a lot of BIG promises for one family. A father of many and a great nation. All promised to them. It is a lot and we see Abraham and Sarah sacrifice a lot to follow God, or to be faithful to his promises.
God sees things differently, more wholly than us. He gets the whole picture and we only see these small parts that we are involved in.
You do not have to understand God to trust Him. God sees things differently, more wholly than us. He gets the whole picture, and we only see these small parts where we are involved.
It is truly amazing the faith that Abraham shows. He seems to understand that if God is asking you to do something, even if it seems crazy or strange, we can trust that he will use it for good.
In this case, we see God step in before Abraham sacrificed Isaac. He tested Abraham’s faith and obedience. But I am sure the entire time they were climbing that mountain Abraham would have been sweating nervously!
Of course, he would have been! I would be a mess. But in the end, God does so much good through Abraham. He has a huge family, and many influential people in history come from his family.
If you don’t understand, trust God anyway.