Following Jesus is Hard
Key Point
Following Jesus is Hard. Not all of the time, but there will be times that we will need to make hard decisions or put in difficult circumstances because of our choice to follow God.
About the Story
Over the last several weeks, we have been learning about Saul, who is now going by the name Paul. Paul, Barnabas and their friends were chased out of the city of Antioch of Pisidia.
The other Antioch is what we have called it.
Right, the whole city turned up to listen to Paul and Barnabas, and many became believers. All this attention that Paul and Barnabas were getting made the Jewish leaders jealous. So they got a mob together and chased them out of that city.
In today’s story, we will see that following Jesus is hard. You can read the story for yourself in Acts 14.
The lesson for today; following Jesus is hard. I’d even say if it’s not hard, then something is wrong!
The lesson for today; following Jesus is hard. I’d even say if it’s not hard, then something is wrong!
Bradon: That sounds a little strange!. You better explain that a bit more.
Jon: I don’t mean that everything about following Jesus will be hard, just that there will be experiences in life that are difficult.
Like choosing something different from our friends, something that you believe might not be good or, sharing the story of Jesus, just as Paul and Barnabas did, It takes a lot of courage to share that, and it isn’t always received well by those we share it with.
Those are great examples. What God calls us to is hard, and because it’s hard, we pray and read God’s word with a great deal of motivation and need. If following Jesus is not hard, then our reason and need for prayer, bible reading and other spiritual practices can disappear.