Discussion | Faith or Physical
Jon: You are listening to the Bible Story Podcast and the Discussion Episode for the story, “Faith or Physical?”
Bradon: A government official found Jesus and asked him to come back to his home and heal his son. Jesus instead challenged his faith and then told him that his son would live. Sure enough, his son became well at the exact moment Jesus told the official this. Everyone in the man’s household believed in Jesus after they saw the healing.
Story Episode
John 4
Faith or Physical?
- Have you heard of or experienced a miracle? If so, tell the story.
- Jesus challenged the official’s faith. How has your faith been challenged?
- I love how the official, a politically influential person, obeyed Jesus even though he had no proof that his son was healed. How can you express your faith through obeying and following Jesus’ instructions?
Growth Tip
Bradon: We have got an excellent growth tip for you today!
Jon: The thing that has grown our faith more than anything else is spending time with others who are growing in their faith.
Bradon: Write a list of people you admire for their faith and spend some time with them. Be intentional and ensure your paths cross often, and you can have conversations regularly.
Jon: It may be in a small group, at work, at home, or over a video chat. The key is to take the time and ask a lot of questions.
Bradon: Curiosity is one of the keys to growing in your faith.
Prayer Requests
At the end of your discussion, go around the group and ask for prayer requests.