Discussion | Always Obey God
Jon: You are listening to the discussion episode Always Listen to God
Bradon: Today we saw Samuel confront Saul for not obeying God fully. Samuel ends up killing King Agag of the Amalekites and relaying God’s message to Saul which was this; because he did not fully obey God, God rejected him as king. We learned from both the Amalekites and king Saul the importance of Always Obeying God.
Story Episode
1 Samuel 15:10-35
- Jon: Do you think God was being harsh toward Saul? Why or why not?
- Bradon: Saul was scared of his army and let them influence him. What could have Saul done to help him be more obedient to God?
- Jon: Why is it important to obey God? What good things come out of obeying him?
Growth Tip
Jon: Discuss with a friend an area in your life that is hard for you to obey God. Then work together to make a strategy so you can better obey God.
Bradon: It wasn’t until after Saul disobeyed that we find out the reason why. He was afraid of the people and was unwilling to stand up to his army who wanted to take the best things for themselves.
Jon: It’s too bad that he didn’t have someone beside him that could have encouraged him to lead and stand up to his own army. King Saul needed a strong person beside him to help him lead. What do you need to help you obey God consistently?
Bradon: It’s been my experience that once I have one area of life figured out that I realize I have more work to do in a different area. Don’t aim for perfection but aim for growth.
Jon: Yeah, we are all sinful and we will continue to mess up. So be patient and keep working on that strategy to obey God more fully.
Bradon: Probably be a good idea to revisit the conversation with your friend regularly.
Prayer Requests
At the end of your discussion, go around the group and ask for prayer requests.