Discussion | An Act of Celebration
Jon: Welcome to the discussion episode for the bible story podcast, today we are going over our episode – An Act of Celebration!
Story Episode
1 John 4:19
An Act of Celebration
- If you could be known for one characteristic, what would it be?
- What are some other Human characteristics of Jesus that are hard for you to picture?
- What is one priority you wish to grow in your life?
Growth Tip
Bradon: so Jon, each year around this time I like to evaluate my priorities, what am I making important in my life, and how am I showing that importance in my everyday practice.
Jon: Awesome! So, like you have told me that health is important to you, physical, mental, spiritual.
Bradon: Exactly, so if then I came in every day and ate cake for breakfast, stayed up till 3 am, and never went for a walk you would recognize that the priorities I say I have versus the ones I do have are not the same. So I evaluate that a few times a year to make sure I am on pace, and I will reset the priorities or practices as needed.
Jon: Great! So if I say that a growing relationship with God is the most important thing in my life, then my actions should reflect that?
Bradon: Precisely!
Jon: Awesome! So this week’s growth tip then, let’s take stock or notice of what we are saying our priorities are versus what we are actually making important and spending time on!
Bradon: Absolutely, let’s do that. This may take the week, jot down short notes each day, maybe at the end of the day ask yourself, where did my attention go, did I spend time on the things I want to? Did I grow in my priorities?
Just write those down and notice those this week, we will further this next week!
Prayer Requests
At the end of your discussion, go around the group and ask for prayer requests.