Discussion | Ask Again
Bradon: You are listening to the Bible Story Podcast and questions for the episode Ask Again!
Jon: We hear Jesus teach his disciples how to pray and the importance of being persistent. Jesus also made a special note of how generous Dads are.
Bradon: More accurately, how God wants to give good gifts to his children, so don’t be afraid to ask again. God wants to give you what is best!
Story Episode
Luke 11
Ask Again be persistent
- Will anyone give me $20? Just Jokes. Seriously, there are some things that we feel good about asking and some things we think are a little bit silly. Come up with an example for each type of request.
- I think self-serving requests are more difficult to request than others-focused requests. Still, not every request for ourselves is flawed. What do you want from God? Specifically for you.
- Jesus describes God as someone who is generous and wants to give good gifts. Does your last answer really capture just how generous and good God is?
Growth Tip
Jon: Today, we want you to think of something you can ask God.
Bradon: It can be big, small, anything you want!
Jon: Remember there is nothing that you can’t ask God for, and just like a good parent, you might not get what you want, but he will give you what is best for you
Prayer Requests
At the end of your discussion, go around the group and ask for prayer requests.