Discussion Episode | Blessing Comes with Obedience
Today’s lesson was blessing comes with obedience. In this story, Abram’s dad passes away, and then Abram is instructed to go to the Land that God will show him. There God will make a great nation out of him. So Abram follows and takes everyone in his household and his nephew Lot, and they make there a way to Canaan. One night or maybe during the day. God shows up in person and affirms what he said to Abram. Abram then responds in worship.
Blessing comes with obedience.
- Go around the group and name 10 reasons to worship God!
- Some of God’s instructions can seem strange. They sometimes don’t make sense but in the end, we need to be obedient. What can make being obedient difficult?
- Think of a blessing that came as a result of obedience?
Growth Tip
Worship is our response to God. Here are 10 reasons why we should worship God.
10. Because he loves us!
9. Because he gives us all we need and more!
8. We have a hug in a cup, aka coffee to enjoy, and more importantly people who love us and give us real hugs!
7. He is all-powerful
6. He knows my hurts.
5. He knows my joys.
4. He will never stop inviting me into a relationship with himself!
3. He has given us opportunities to serve him.
2. He has done an incredible job of creating each of us.
1. Jesus died for my sins and your sins.
Prayer Requests
At the end of your discussion, go around the group and ask for prayer requests.