Discussion | Context is Important
Bradon: Today’s lesson was Context is Important and these questions will help you explore that lesson!
Jon: Bradon helped us understand how Nehemiah linked into the larger story of the Bible, and the context that helped us get to that understanding!
Story Episode
Nehemiah 7
- Bradon: Do you have any tools you like to use while you study the Bible?
- Jon: which Bible Story do you think you would like more context or understanding in?
- Bradon: What other books in the Bible do you see being connected? Are there similar themes or stories you have picked out?
Growth Tip
Jon: Our growth tip for this episode is to find a study tool.
Bradon: That may sound intimidating! But there are some really good tools out there. Bibles that have awesome extras on the sides or historical comments that help understand the whole picture.
Jon: We will highlight a few of our favourites on Instagram this week! @biblestorypod
Bradon: great idea! You could always ask someone you know, like a pastor, or parent to that can help find one that fits you!
Jon: Study tools can be really short and helpful to understanding the context of the Bible! Have fun with it!
Prayer Requests
At the end of your discussion, go around the group and ask for prayer requests.