Discussion | Crisis Will Bring Growth
A crisis will bring growth. We learned that the Church was growing and that the early Christian church was spending a lot of time with God. Because of all this time spent with God, the Antioch church responded to a famine prediction that would impact the entire Roman Empire. They collected a lot of money to help the believers in Jerusalem and Judea. They then sensed God wanting to send Barnabas and Saul for a special work, which we will find out more about tomorrow.
Acts 11:19-30, Acts 12:25 – 13:3
Crisis wil bring growth.
- How much time do you spend with God, and will you take Jon’s challenge within the growth tip? If so, how much time with God would stretch you?
- We often think of crisis as a bad thing. Yet, we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them. That’s Romans 8:28. So what are some of the good things that God has brought about in your life this year?
- The early church benefited the world because they were so deeply committed to spending time with God. Looking at the situations around you, what are a few things you could bring to God in prayer? Take some time to pray about these things.
Growth Tip
Take a minute or two and add up all the time where it is just you and God spending time together. Then for a couple of days or one week. Double or Triple it the amount of time spent with God. Consider it an experiment and be prepared to learn something from experience.
The idea is to stretch yourself with the amount of time you spend with God and see what you learn from that experience. So if 10 minutes will stretch you, that’s great.
Prayer Requests
At the end of your discussion, go around the group and ask for prayer requests.