Discussion | God is One; God is Three
Jon: You are listening to the discussion questions for the show God is One; God is Three.
Bradon: We read the story of John baptizing Jesus. Within this story there is God the Father, God the Son (Jesus), and the Holy Spirit. We see that they were all perfectly unified in their interaction with each other. We learned about each individual of the Trinity and how we reflect on Him as a triune God. In short, God is one; God is three.
Story Episode
Matthew 3:13-17
- Jon: Of the three individuals in the Trinity who do you understand most and least?
- Bradon: God is the perfect model of Community and relationship. What is something you can learn from the Trinity regarding your relationships?
- Jon: Rather than making a new years resolution this year pick a theme. An area in which you want to grow. Then share that with your group and revisit that theme.
Bradon: Jon and I do this and we find it rewarding and surprising as God grows us closer to him! So what is a theme for you this year?
Growth Tip
Jon: We want you to read John 14.
Bradon: In this chapter, Jesus describes all three individuals of the Trinity and how they and followers of Christ can interact with each other.
Jon: It’s a great read, and we think you will not only learn a lot but will be challenged to live differently.
Prayer Requests
At the end of your discussion, go around the group and ask for prayer requests.