Discussion | God’s Plan is Complete
Bradon: You are listening to the discussion episode God’s plan is complete.
Jon: We went over the story of the birth of Jesus as told in the Gospel of Luke! We encourage you all to read through Matthew and Luke again through this season to learn more about Jesus and His most humble beginnings as the Messiah.
Story Episode
Luke 2
- What is your favorite Christmas song to sing in this season? Can you think of one that is about the birth of Jesus?
- How does knowing the end of Jesus’ story impact the way you read about His birth?
- How will you celebrate the birth of Jesus this season?
Growth Tip
Jon: The growth tip for today is to read through each of the Gospels of Matthew & Luke and their accounts of the birth of Jesus.
Bradon: notice how they differ, or how they are similar?
Jon: Perhaps ask yourself what is something you can learn from these stories today!
Prayer Requests
At the end of your discussion, go around the group and ask for prayer requests.