Discussion | Jesus is the Main Character
Join us for a disussion about Jesus who is not only the main character of the book titled John but the main character of life!
We learned that the author refers to Jesus as the Word and that Jesus is God. Jesus existed from the beginning, created everything and gave life to everything. He became human and is full of love and faithfulness and made a way for us to be children of God. We were also introduced to John the Baptist, who prepared the people for Jesus! We learned that the author is saying that Jesus Christ is the main character of life and we are not, and we are now challenged to submit to Jesus as God.
Story Episode
John 1:1-18
Jesus is the Main Character
- Many people have irrational fears. Fear of the dark, fear of spiders, or Arachibutyrophobia which is a fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of your mouth? What are you afraid of, name a kind of silly one and a more serious one?
- If all the claims the author John makes about Jesus are true how does that change the way you currently view life and your interaction with the world?
- Not only has Jesus created all things and given them life but he continues to recreate us and give us new life in him today! What is an area in your life that you would like Jesus to recreate and bring new life to?
Growth Tip
Jon: You can’t actually trust God until you are figuratively sitting. Until you put all your weight on him. Until you actually need him to prove himself trustworthy.
Bradon: An example would be to tell others the story about Jesus. Try it, even if you are unsure what you believe.
Jon: Here’s the growth tip. Put yourself in a position where you need God to prove Himself faithful. Be ridiculously generous, go above and beyond with kindness, tell Jesus’ story to someone else, pray for help!
Prayer Requests
At the end of your discussion, go around the group and ask for prayer requests.