Discussion | Joy is Transformative
Joy is transformative!
Our story today was found in Isaiah 9:1-7. Isaiah talks about the drastic impact and difference that a relationship with God can have. And he continues to foretell the coming of the Messiah, the light of the world and the son of God! Pretty exciting stuff!
Joy is Transformative
- A lot of the religious leaders and Jewish people expected something VERY different in the messiah. We see this all the time. God often doesn’t work or show up in the way we expect! But once we are able to look back on it, we recognize that God was guiding our steps the whole way! Can you recall a time when God guided you in a way that you did not expect?
- Isaiah speaks so much about light and darkness, burden and Joy. Where is an area you have felt the freedom of God and the Joy of God transform your life? If not, where is an area you wish to have?
- What is one thing you can do that will help share the joy of the lord with someone this week?
Growth Tip
The growth tip for this week is simple.
I want us to ask someone, what is God doing in their life?
This question isn’t always easy to answer and sometimes we need to leave room or time to let someone answer. But I love this question! We are called to help support others in their walk with God and so one of the things I love to do is throw this question out every once in a while to my closest friends.
Prayer Requests
At the end of your discussion, go around the group and ask for prayer requests.