Discussion | Obey God for Your Good
Jon: You listened to the story Obey God for Your Good, and this is the discussion episode.
Bradon: We saw Nehemiah’s heartbreak when he heard the report about Israel. He prayed and fasted, asking God to help. Later he spoke with the King and asked for his help which he received. He went to Jerusalem and found a few outraged officials because he had come to help the people rebuild the walls and gates.
Story Episode
Nehemiah 1:1 – 2:11
- Jon: Looking around you, what breaks your heart?
- Bradon: As a group, pray for 5 minutes about this and answer this question. Is God asking us to do something about it? If so, what?
- Jon: What obstacles are in the way of you helping? Pray and ask God to help in addressing those obstacles.
Growth Tip
Jon: Did you notice that the way God spoke to Nehemiah was through a broken heart?
Bradon: I did; his brother gave him bad news on how things were going in Jerusalem.
Jon: He did, and that upset Nehemiah. For months he was sad. When we look around us today, there is a lot that can break our hearts.
Bradon: Oh, I see where you are going with this. Let your heartbreak for the world around you, and then allow that broken heart to motivate you to obey God’s promptings.
Jon: Nehemiah prayed a long time and found himself on his way to Jerusalem to rebuild the walls and gates. I wonder where God will lead you?
Prayer Requests
At the end of your discussion, go around the group and ask for prayer requests.