Discussion | We All Need Help
Jon: You are listening to the discussion episode for the story; we all need help.
Bradon: Saul was again on the hunt for David to kill him. David snuck into Saul’s camp and took his spear. He confronted Saul proving he was not going to kill or harm him. Saul was sorry for what he did, but David did not return with Saul. Saul had a track record of his repentance not lasting.
Story Episode
1 Samuel 26
- Jon: Is someone’s sin hurting you? If so, how?
- Bradon: Is your sin hurting someone else? If so, how?
- Jon: Who are some people that could help you deal with the impact of sin?
Growth Tip
Bradon: A growth tip is a way for you to grow in a relationship with Jesus Christ.
Jon: What do you have for us today?
Bradon: I think attending Church and being part of a group of Christians is super important.
Jon: What if the listener is already attending church?
Bradon: I have thought about that, and here is what I recommend.
- Attend Church
- Connect with those who are there. Share the struggles you each have and encourage one another.
Jon: That is a great tip. Go to Church and engage with others.
Prayer Requests
At the end of your discussion, go around the group and ask for prayer requests.