Ep 222 | A Solid Foundation | Sermon on the Mount Part 4 of 4

Solid Foundation
Bible Story Podcast
Ep 222 | A Solid Foundation | Sermon on the Mount Part 4 of 4

Build your life on a solid foundation by following Christ’s teaching. You won’t be perfect, and that’s okay. God’s grace will be there.

Solid Foundation
Bible Story Podcast
Ep 222 | A Solid Foundation | Sermon on the Mount Part 4 of 4

Ep 222 | A Solid Foundation | Sermon on the Mount Part 4 of 4

Build your life on a solid foundation by following Christ’s teaching. You won’t be perfect, and that’s okay. God’s grace will be there.


Matthew 7:24-27 NLT

“Anyone who listens to my teaching and follows it is wise, like a person who builds a house on solid rock. Though the rain comes in torrents and the floodwaters rise and the winds beat against that house, it won’t collapse because it is built on bedrock. But anyone who hears my teaching and doesn’t obey it is foolish, like a person who builds a house on sand. When the rains and floods come and the winds beat against that house, it will collapse with a mighty crash.”


  1. When did you first decide to follow Jesus? What/ who helped you make that decision?
  2. What makes you proud about your relationship with God? 
  3. If we are created to steward or care for the world and everything in it well, how could you (or all of us) do that better?
Prayer Requests

At the end of your discussion, go around the group and ask for prayer requests.

By Jon Drebert

A little about me: I decided to follow Jesus at a very early age while my mom made cookies and I ate cookie dough. I have an awesome family. My wife and I have three amazing kids. I serve as the Executive Director of Covenant Bay Bible Camp at Pigeon Lake, AB. Outdoor activities, music, sports, and learning are some of my favourite things to do.