Honor God
Bradon: Coming up on the bible Story Podcast, we will be talking about why it is so essential to Honour God!
Jon: Not only for your own sake but for those around you! When we honour God with our lives, good things come about.
Bradon: When we dishonour God with our lives, bad things come about.
Jon: It’s not rocket science, but it does mean some hard choices!
Discussion Episode
1 Samuel 2:12 – 4:1a
About the Story
Bradon: Last week, we heard the story of Samuel’s mother, Hannah. Hannah dedicated her son Samuel to the work of the Lord and left him with Eli the Priest.
Jon: This is shocking and is something that would cause a parent’s heart to ache even though it was a good thing to do!
Bradon: Today’s story is from 1 Samuel 2:12 to the first part of 4:1
Bradon: How we live our lives matters to God. Eli, his sons, and it sounds like his whole family were dishonouring God by how they lived.
Jon: So the lesson is simple, honour God. Take time to ask a hard question, is the way I think or act honouring God?
Bradon: Bring that question into the details of your life. Do I honour God with my phone and other devices? Do I honour God around my friends at school or my coworkers? Do I honour God with my hobbies and the things I talk about with others?
Jon: None of us will say perfect yes to this question, so we must get into the detail and start making changes.
Bradon: It could be easy to get overwhelmed with everything, but I encourage you to take one thing and say, “Lord, I give you this issue, What do you want to give me?”
Jon: That’s a great prayer. Take time to listen to God. He takes all of our garbage and sin in our lives, and he gives us abundant life. He wants to bless you, so make it easy for him to bless you and honour God!