Discussion | Sin Divides
Jon: You are listening to the discussion questions for the episode Sin Divides.
Bradon: We read about two very different relationships David had and we could see how the jealousy forming in Saul was not of God and how it was creating a divide between Saul and David.
Story Episode
1 Samuel 18
- Jon: What is a trait you would consider very important in being a good friend?
- Bradon: is there sin in your life that has created a divide in your relationship with God?
- Jon: Where in the Bible has Jesus shown us how we can be good to each other? What are some examples?
Growth Tip
Bradon: I want you to move your bible – the physical bible is best – into a new, public space, out in the open, somewhere you are every day, living room, bathroom, wherever. My hope is that it will spark my memory and I will be more likely to pick up the bible and read a bit than hang out on my phone in my downtime.
Jon: Seems like a great tip! I have done this with other books or important things and I definitely find it helps as a visual reminder!
Prayer Requests
At the end of your discussion, go around the group and ask for prayer requests.