The Most Significant Message Ever
Last Episode, we heard about Jesus crucified on a cross. It was a hard story to hear, and it is not over. Coming up on the Bible Story Podcast. We tell the rest of the story, which we believe contains the most significant message ever! It’s huge!
Discussion Episode
Luke 24
About the Story
Jon: Last week, we heard about Jesus’ death. He was crucified between two criminals even though he had done nothing wrong. A man named Joseph buried him in a tomb, and some women who were close to Jesus prepared spices and ointments to put on Jesus’ lifeless body as were their customs. They rested on the sabbath and were ready to go the following day to the tomb with their ointments and spices.
Bradon: This is a difficult story to share, and where we left off made it even more difficult because we stopped at the hardest part of the story, but this week we get to continue, and we are going to learn about the most significant message that anyone has ever shared in the history of our world! You definitely do not want to miss this!
We all need our own experience with God that will show us that Jesus is alive and wants a relationship with each of us.
Bradon: This message put the disciples in a state of disbelief. Jesus is alive!
Jon: This is astonishing news, but it was not just news 2000 some years ago. It is news for us today. Jesus is still alive today. He is not dead.
Let me tell you a quick little story about a teenage guy. He was about 16, I think. He had been wrestling with this idea of Jesus being raised to life and is alive. Finally, out of frustration of trying to understand the significance of it, he says, “So What? He’s alive. What does that change? Life is still super hard and going to get any easier because of it!” You could hear his pain and frustration with it all. What would you say to that?
Bradon: You know I can only speak from my experience. I decided to follow Jesus late in my teens. My problems certainly didn’t go away, but I didn’t make this decision because of what I could get out of this relationship! I am a person who thinks on things a lot… sometimes too much. But I remember the feeling when I first realized that Jesus wasn’t a person or thing of that past. That having a relationship with Him was something I could do today, in my own life. It was an amazing feeling!
Now, I am also not saying I have not received anything good from God. I certainly have. My life now versus my life 10 years ago doesn’t even compare. It’s two completely different paths. He has done such incredible things in me and for me that I could never have done on my own. I didn’t choose Christ because of what he would do for me. I choose Christ because of my love for him, which is a response to his love. John 3:16 – 17 says this.
‘“For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. God sent his Son into the world not to judge the world, but to save the world through him.’
Jon: Yeah, that says it so well. You know, Bradon, your life is the evidence that Jesus is alive today. God is working in you, using you, blessing you all because you have submitted your life to him. The women shared the evidence with the disciples that Jesus was alive, but they didn’t believe them. It was not until Peter saw the empty tomb and then he and many others saw Jesus face to face that he and the other disciples believed. We all need our own experience with God that will show us that Jesus is alive and wants a relationship with each of us.