To the Ends of the Earth
Bradon: Together, we have just heard the story of Jesus’ death and resurrection; we are now moving into one of my favourite books in the Bible, Acts.
Jon: Coming up on the podcast, we will explore what happened after Jesus’ resurrection and how the disciples carried on His teachings.
Discussion Episode
Acts 1:1-11
About the Story
Jon: Speaking of Adventure,… See what I did there? We are moving into the book of Acts, one of your favourite books Bradon. Why is it one of your favourites?
Bradon: Well, I often Identify with or see myself in the apostles, not one specific one, but for them as a whole. They react in familiar ways. I can see myself struggling and dealing with things in similar ways.
Jon: We often get to see their reactions more than most peoples, and often they are uncomfortable, scared, unsure, saddened, all very normal reactions when you think of the experiences they have shared with Jesus.
Bradon: Agreed. So Acts, or the book of Acts Rather, takes place after the death and resurrection of Jesus; they say Jesus would have been on earth for about 40 days after he rose from the dead. So that’s where we begin here in Acts 1. He continued to teach the disciples and specifically prepare them for His leaving.
There are still individuals, friends and family, who do not know the story and love of Jesus.
Bradon: And He promises the Holy Spirit to help them and guide them in that. He isn’t leaving them to do it on their own. He then is taken up into Heaven, in an act called the ascension, meaning he didn’t die again to go up into heaven. Rather the clouds opened up, and he was taken up, fully alive, to continue His eternal life! Wild stuff, really!
Jon: Hmm, that’s pretty amazing, and this is something, a perspective we need today too. There is still work to be done! There are still individuals, friends and family, who do not know the story and love of Jesus.
Bradon: Exactly, If we read this for us today, it is still JUST as important. We need to be the messengers, the witnesses, to the ends of the earth!
Sometimes I find it daunting or scary, which I am sure the disciples did as well. But then I remember the gift of the Holy Spirit and the guidance we receive. All the fear then seems to leave, and I get really excited to share this with people! It brings me so much life! And we need to share this with not just the people closest to us, but the ends of the earth!
Jon: I totally agree, Bradon! Probably why we both work in Ministry. Even though we do crazy, ridiculous things at camp, my favourite thing is to have conversations with people about their relationship with God!
Bradon: Me too! Jon, you and I also love to help people grow in their relationship with God, no matter where they are in that relationship! So that means it’s time for…