Discussion Episode | Jesus Cares About Us
Jesus cares about us, even the little stuff. In today’s story, we read about Jesus, his mom and his disciples at a wedding where they ran out of wine. So Jesus turned water into wine, and the wedding celebration continued.
Jesus cares about us, even the little stuff.
- When life gets hard, we often forget to tell God about the situation. We struggle to fix the issue and spend our time worrying about it all. Why is our default to try to fix things on our own rather than going straight to God?
- There are a lot of reasons we can trust God with our problems. Go around the circle and name two or three reasons why we can trust God with every situation.
- What is impressive about this story is that Jesus had no intention to do anything about the problem of the wedding host running out of wine. Jesus’ mom, Mary, convinced Jesus to do something. And Jesus did something even though it brought more attention to himself than what God wanted at that time. This story tells me that we can press God for a response – for an answer to our prayers. What do you think of the idea of telling God a few times about your situation and asking him a few times to act?
Growth Tip
Today’s growth tip is simple. Tell God about the situation you are in right now and ask for his help! Your situation might be difficult, or it may be ordinary. Regardless of your situation, tell God and ask for help!
Prayer Requests
At the end of your discussion, go around the group and ask for prayer requests.