Compassion Over Judgement

Bible Story Podcast
Bible Story Podcast
Compassion Over Judgement

Compassion Over Judgement

Bradon: Hey, a serious question for you. Have you ever experienced racism or discrimination?

Jon: Not personally, but I have watched it happen to people who are very close to me!

Bradon: Coming up on the Bible Story Podcast. We watch how Jesus responds to the marginalized.

Discussion Episode

John 4:1-42

Discussion | Compassion Over Judgement

Bible Story Podcast
Bible Story Podcast
Discussion | Compassion Over Judgement

Discussion | Compassion Over Judgement

Jon: You are listening to the discussion episode for the story, choose compassion over judgement. 

Bradon: Jesus meets a Samaritan woman who her people and the Jews have marginalized. Jesus spoke with her and chose compassion over judgement. He told her all kinds of things, even some things that only her closest friends would have known, and then revealed to her that he is the Messiah. The whole town came out to meet Jesus, and they too believed in Jesus. The disciples watched all of this unfold and saw just how wrong they viewed others, and learned the value of choosing compassion over judgement.

Jon: You are listening to the discussion episode for the story, choose compassion over judgement. 

Bradon: Jesus meets a Samaritan woman who her people and the Jews have marginalized. Jesus spoke with her and chose compassion over judgement. He told her all kinds of things, even some things that only her closest friends would have known, and then revealed to her that he is the Messiah. The whole town came out to meet Jesus, and they too believed in Jesus. The disciples watched all of this unfold and saw just how wrong they viewed others, and learned the value of choosing compassion over judgement.