Discussion | We are Sent Together

Bible Story Podcast
Bible Story Podcast
Discussion | We are Sent Together

It is time to discuss the story “We are Sent Together.” In today’s story, we learn about Jesus sending his disciples out two by two.

Bible Story Podcast
Bible Story Podcast
Discussion | We are Sent Together

Discussion | We are Sent Together

It is time to discuss the story “We are Sent Together.” In today’s story, we learn about Jesus sending his disciples out two by two. He only let them take the sandals and clothes they were wearing and a walking stick. Jesus sent them out in pairs to preach and heal, which is precisely what they did. They had only God and other people to rely on, which is pretty incredible.


We are Sent Together


  1. Put yourself in the disciple’s shoes… er… sandals. What would your first reaction be to Jesus’ instructions in this story?
  2. Pick the friend that you would take on the adventure if you were one of the disciples? It can be any friend. They just need a pulse!
  3. Where would you go, and what is stopping you from going?

Growth Tip


If you are waiting to do something, like starting to read the Bible or starting a relationship or conversation with God, then go all in. This is somewhat of advice for myself that I have been following lately. I have been waiting for God to move when I realized I could make the step needed. So I took that step. 

Just don’t let things hold you back from experiencing God’s love for you. We do this all the time. We make excuses; we justify why we’re too busy or why it is hard. But if you want to change that, If you feel God is calling you to something, then do it all the way, go all in!

Prayer Requests

At the end of your discussion, go around the group and ask for prayer requests.

By Jon Drebert

A little about me: I decided to follow Jesus at a very early age while my mom made cookies and I ate cookie dough. I have an awesome family. My wife and I have three amazing kids. I serve as the Executive Director of Covenant Bay Bible Camp at Pigeon Lake, AB. Outdoor activities, music, sports, and learning are some of my favourite things to do.

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