Celebrate What God Will Do
I’ve got a few friends that like to celebrate. Some might describe them as over the top at times, even ridiculous. Coming up on the Bible Story Podcast, we will learn why it is so important to Celebrate what God will do. Are you talking about me?
Discussion Episode
Exodus 11-12
About the Story
Bradon: Moses and Aaron asked Pharaoh to let the Israelites go a bunch of different times. Pharaoh’s heart would grow hard, and his response was always no. He was worried that the Israelites would try and escape! God sent nine different plagues thus far in the story. These plagues were the Nile River turning into blood, frogs, gnats, flies, Egypt’s livestock was killed, boils, hail, locusts, and darkness. Each plague seemed to be worse than the one before, and Pharaoh would often ask Moses to pray and take the plague away and make promises to let the people go, but as soon as things were good, he would become stubborn and refuse to let the people go.
Jon: Thanks Bradon. I would add that after all this, even Pharaoh’s magicians and officials were recommending that he let the people go. The entire country was in ruins because of these plagues. And last week’s story ended with Pharaoh threatening Moses, saying that the next time he saw Moses, he would kill him. Things are super tense.
We can celebrate what God will do before he has done it based on God’s promises.
Jon: Bradon, there is so much that we can learn from this story. A lesson that struck me that I’d like to share is that God gave Israel instructions to celebrate God’s rescue before God rescued them. They celebrated in faith, believing that God would come through for them. We can do the same. We can celebrate what God will do before he has done it based on God’s promises.
Bradon: I like that thought. Some might say it is an optimistic view, but I’d argue that it is a realists’ viewpoint because God is faithful to his people and true to his word and promises. It is realistic to believe that God will do what he says he will do.