Discussion | God Fights for His People
Today, in the story, “God Fights for His People,” we heard God was grieving Pharaoh’s stubborn response and the death of Egypt’s firstborn. Pharaoh learned of Israel’s location near the Red Sea and wanted to get them back as slaves, so he sent his entire army to get them back! Moses raised his hand, and God split the Red Sea, allowing the Israelites to cross on dry ground. Once on the other side, Moses raised his hand, and the walls of seawater came crashing down on the Egyptian army. It was an incredible display of power. God was fighting for Israel and rescued them.
Story Episode
Exodus 13 – 15:21
God fights for his people.
- Bradon and I got caught up imagining the celebration after Israel crossed the Red Sea and what it was like to be beside a massive wall of seawater. Take a bit of time to describe a bit of what you imagined from today’s story.
- God will fight for his people and rescue them, but he does it on his terms. We do not get to dictate the manner or the timing of his intervention. In what situations would you like to see God intervene? They can be personal or more global scale.
- God is continually inviting us to align ourselves with him. He may ask us to have more compassion, lead, speak up, be a better listener, stop a specific action, change our thoughts, or something else. God will challenge us all to help us be aligned with him. What is God challenging you on?
Growth Tip
Bradon: We can think of no better growth tip than to celebrate!
Jon: Read Exodus 15:1-21, which is the song they sang after crossing the Red Sea and were safe from the Egyptian Army.
Bradon: As you read, imagine the celebration and huge party that over a million Israelites were having. They would have been singing and dancing in the glow of the pillar of fire. I think God was maybe celebrating too, maybe shining a bit more light from the pillar of fire or perhaps dancing with his people!
Jon: I love your imagination, Bradon. So read the first part of Exodus 15 and imagine the celebration of the people and God!
Prayer Requests
At the end of your discussion, go around the group and ask for prayer requests.