Discussion | Hold Everything Lightly
Bradon: You are listening to the discussion questions for the episode hold everything lightly!
Jon: In today’s story we saw a group of believers brought together in unity through God’s truth. They were all so excited to be in a relationship with God they felt it necessary to sell everything and give the money to the disciples to carry on the mission of spreading the story of Jesus. Ananias and Sapphira, a married couple, tried to deceive the group and receive praise by lying about what they had offered. They had secretly kept much of their land and only given a portion of the sale price to the disciples. When Peter confronted them on the lie they did not come clean with the truth. They both suffered death due to the deception of their people and God.
Story Episode
Acts 4:32 – 5:11
- If you had to give up EVERYTHING, what is one thing you would find extremely hard to part with? why?
- Have you ever been caught in a lie? If so, was it hard or easy to confess your wrongdoing?
- Do you think the death of Ananias and Sapphira was reasonable? Why or Why not?
Growth Tip
Bradon: I want to do well on our promise to tackle topics, or open up topics that were given to us by campers this summer along with our growth tip. So today’s topic and the tip will have to do with dedicating your life to God.
Jon: so similar to what we read about in the story with people giving everything away we want you to challenge yourself to give everything away, anything you own, money, possessions, siblings… just give it all away
Bradon: whoa whoa whoa…. That is NOT the growth tip! Jon loves to joke around in case you all haven’t noticed yet!
Jon: Okay, okay, but the inspiration is still coming from the story, correct?
Bradon: yes, for the growth tip, just as all the people held everything lightly. I think being grateful is part of that process. If we are able to recognize that God has given us those things and it is not done on our own accord then holding things lightly becomes easier!
Jon: Awesome! So be grateful. Name one thing, per day that God has provided you with, and thank Him throughout the day for that thing!
Prayer Requests
At the end of your discussion, go around the group and ask for prayer requests.