Discussion | Passion for God’s House
Jon: Here is a quick recap, and then we will get into the discussion questions for the Episode, “Passion for God’s House.”
Bradon: So Jesus goes to Jerusalem to celebrate the Passover. He walks into the temple and sees a marketplace for people to buy animals to then sacrifice in worship to God. Jesus gets mad, makes a whip out of some rope and then chases the merchants and animals out of the temple. The religious leaders question his authority, and the disciples remembered the prophecy that the Messiah would be filled with passion for God’s house! We learned that we, too, can be passionate about God’s house. Christians are now God’s house with God’s Holy Spirit living in them.
Story Episode
John 2:13-22
We learned that we, too, can be passionate about God’s house. Christians are now God’s house with God’s Holy Spirit living in them.
- Jesus Got super angry, yet he never sinned. How can we feel anger and yet not act sinfully?
- Jesus is passionate about God’s house. That means he’s passionate about you as a place for his spirit to be! What things can you do to make your body the best place for God’s Spirit to be?
- The disciples had an idea of a messiah that would rescue Israel from the oppression of the Romans. They had a wrong assumption about Jesus. How does this story challenge your idea of Jesus, and how will you relate to him differently?
Growth Tip
Bradon: This week, we want you to worship God but not through singing or things that maybe you would see at a church gathering!
Jon: If you are a Christian, a follower of Jesus, your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. Since God has honoured you with the Holy Spirit, we want you to do something to make you, God’s temple, even better.
Bradon: Yeah, you could eat healthier, get some exercise, get the proper amount of sleep. Do something that will benefit your body and, in turn, honour the Holy Spirit who dwells within you.
Jon: Now, if you do not consider yourself a Christian or a follower of Christ and you are still trying to make sense of everything, then you can still do this too. God created all of us, and caring for our bodies is just one way to honour our creator.
Prayer Requests
At the end of your discussion, go around the group and ask for prayer requests.