Discussion | A Dangerous Prayer
Jon: You are listening to the discussion episode for the story A Dangerous Prayer.
Bradon: Today was the continuation of the story about the crippled man being healed. The religious leader arrested and confronted Peter and John about the healing and preaching about Jesus. The two men spoke boldly about Jesus and refused to listen and made it clear that they would continue to heal and speak about Jesus. The religious leaders released the two men with warnings and threats instructing them to stop. As soon as they were released they went back to meet with the other believers in prayer. The Holy Spirit came and they went out speaking and preaching boldly about Christ.
Story Episode
Acts 4:1-22
- Do you have a dangerous prayer? A prayer that you need God to show up in. A prayer that makes you a little uncomfortable and uneasy?
- Use your imagination and think about the good things that would happen if we prayed the following prayer together? Give us, your servants, great boldness in preaching your word. Stretch out your hand with healing power; may miraculous signs and wonders be done through the name of your holy servant Jesus.
- Making time for prayer is important. When could you take time to pray each week?
Growth Tip
Bradon: We want you to gather a few friends or family and pray this prayer. But here is the deal – you can’t just say the words. You have to be all in!
Jon: It’s a scary prayer because we don’t know what God will do as a result, and we just might find ourselves in the middle of some big conversations. We might feel like we are in over our heads, but don’t worry just like the Holy Spirit gave Peter the words he will give all of us the words and everything else we need.
Bradon: Likely what is going to happen during this prayer time is that you will begin with this prayer in scripture but you will likely find yourself praying for specific people and situations. It’s going to be good!
Prayer Requests
At the end of your discussion, go around the group and ask for prayer requests.