Discussion | A Soft and Harmonious Heart
Welcome to the discussion episode for the story, “A Soft and Harmonious Heart.”Welcome to the discussion episode for the story, “A Soft and Harmonious Heart.”
Moses and Aaron went to Pharaoh several times, asking him to let God’s people go into the wilderness to worship God there. God sent four different plagues on Egypt. The four plagues were the Nile river turned to blood, frogs, gnats, and flies. Pharaoh’s magicians were able to replicate the first two but not the third or fourth. After each plague, Pharaoh’s heart became hard, and he refused to let the people go. After the fourth one, he promised to release them but quickly changed his mind when the flies were gone. We learned that submitting to God is the best possible response to God regardless of the situation!
Story Episode
Have you ever wanted to do the opposite of what someone told you? Was your heart hard and angry? Coming up on the Bible Story Podcast, we will learn the value of having a soft and harmonious heart!
- We are jumping into the deep end. Tell each other a time when your heart was hard and how you responded to God?
- Thinking of your response to question one, If you could do that all over again, how would you respond and describe how you would hope it would work out?
- List five things you can do to keep your heart soft and harmonious with God’s heart as a group.
Growth Tip
This week, we are going to build off of that idea. In Exodus 8:27, Moses says to Pharaoh, ‘We must take a three-day trip into the wilderness to offer sacrifices to the Lord our God, just as he has commanded us.”’
The Israelites were to go and worship God for three days straight. That isn’t just a small check-in. It’s massive; it’s enormous, massormous, enormive? Ok, that didn’t express just how big it was, but I think you get the idea!
It was big and what we want you to do is consider what would three days of worshipping God look like for you and your friends or family? There are simple times of being with God where we can check-in, but there are also significant events.
Take your check-in from last week and worship God in that space, in that feeling. Regardless of if you feel on a spiritual high, or perhaps in a valley. Worship the Lord from that state. Ask God to join you and sit with you at this time.
Prayer Requests
At the end of your discussion, go around the group and ask for prayer requests.