Discussion Episode | Title
Moses – had several questions and still responds to the voice of God with “Here I am.” We pray that we all can respond in this way to the calling God has given us, willing to walk the path with God!
Today we went through a TON of history on Moses – Exodus 1 – 4:17. We learned about his birth, upbringing, and calling given directly to him, from God, through a roaring bush of flames!
Story Episode
Here I am.
- We covered a lot of ground today! So, which parts of this story stand out to you?!
- What do you think the voice of God, coming from the bush, would have sounded like!? Does God’s voice sound the same all the time or to every person?
- If you were face to face with God, or face to… bush, as Moses was, what questions would you like to ask God?
Growth Tip
We see Moses ask questions, but he still follows the calling of God.
This week I think we should write a letter to God. Titled, “Here I am.” In this letter, let’s dream, pray, and brainstorm about all the gifts God has given us, all the ways he has created us to be used for His kingdom. Write those things down! DREAM BIG!
Very cool. As we respond to these dreams and prayers with Here I am, what are we hoping for?
I think this makes us ready to respond like Moses to the calling of God. Writing the letter doesn’t mean that it will all happen, but with the words “Here I am” in there – We are already preparing ourselves to say yes, to the calling and plans of God! No matter how big or small!
Prayer Requests
At the end of your discussion, go around the group and ask for prayer requests.