Discussion | Jesus has Overcome the World
Jon: You are listening to the discussion guide for the story Jesus has overcome.
Bradon: Jesus was having a long discussion with his disciples and reminded them that he would no longer be with them but then would reappear. He was kind of vague and somewhat dark in his words since he knew he was going to be unjustly killed. He encouraged the disciples by telling them that even though they would experience hardship and difficulty that he (Jesus) has overcome the world.
Story Episode
John 16
- As you hear of things in our world on the news or social media, what are some things that are difficult and not what God wants for people?
- How has Jesus overcome the world? How does this impact your day-to-day life?
- What is something difficult in your life? Remind each other that Jesus has overcome the world and he is on your side.
Growth Tip
Jon: Hey Bradon, we said that we would pick the growth tip from last week. We noticed our priorities and asked ourselves where we were spending most of our time. So what now?
Bradon: Well, we cannot change everything overnight. We know that. But we can make small changes to eventually grow in big ways. So, now that we have noticed our priorities, let’s ask ourselves, what are my top three priorities?
Jon: Make a list of those, and then check them with the notes you made last week.
Bradon: Are your notes lining up with the priorities you want to have?
Jon: That is it for this week, make a list of your top three priorities and then cross-reference with your notes. Recognize where they do or do not line up.
Bradon: Perfect! We will finish this process in our next episode!
Prayer Requests
At the end of your discussion, go around the group and ask for prayer requests.