Discussion | No One is Beyond Reach
No One is Beyond Reach. Today we learned about Saul, God’s forgiveness of Saul’s sins and God’s willingness to make Saul new through the Holy Spirit. We learned that no matter how hurt or broken or sinful we may feel, we are never out of the reach of God’s love!
No One is Beyond God’s Reach
- How can we, as followers of Christ, help extend his forgiveness and grace in the world?
- What do you think Saul would have been feeling when the bright light and booming voice met Him on the path?
- Like Ananias did for Saul, who is someone we can help God reach? Perhaps he has been asking us to do this for a while?
Growth Tip
Make yourself a prayer wall! A place where you can place your prayers to God on little sticky notes. It could be a family prayer wall or just your own in your bedroom. Divide up your prayer wall with a few headings; Praises and Thanks, Confession, Listening, and Requests.
Under each heading, write a little something on a sticky note and put it on the wall underneath. Let me give you a few examples. Thanks for my friend Bradon. This one would go under the Praises and Thanks. Confession. Lord, forgive me for my bad attitude earlier this week. I treated my family poorly. Listening – This one can seem trickier than it actually is. I write down things that God impresses on me. It may be from scripture, a conversation with a friend or family member, or simply a thought that I think maybe from God. Recently I heard that God wants me to rest. So I wrote. You are inviting me to rest. Finally, requests, I like to do this one last because I find that all the other things help shape my requests. I wrote, Teach me again the basics of following you!
Prayer Requests
At the end of your discussion, go around the group and ask for prayer requests.