No One is Beyond Reach
Key Point
Today’s story teaches us that No One is Beyond Reach. In this case, we are speaking about the love of God and his forgiveness.
I often have friends that would say if they were to enter a church they would be sent away, or told to leave. As if they have done something so wrong or terrible that it is somehow beyond God’s forgiveness. That isn’t true.
God sent Jesus, His only son, to die for the sins of everyone; which includes every single person – past, present and future! This is remarkable. Today we are going to see God reach someone who would have been considered evil and wicked… even by today’s standards,
About the Story
Saul hates Christians and at this point in the story everyone knows this fact. He was persecuting them and going out of his way to hurt them or kill them.
Like I said, wicked and evil, even by today’s standards.
It seems like Saul would be a pretty hard guy to forgive. I mean, he is actively seeking out God’s followers to hurt and destroy them.
Even the hardest of hearts can be transformed, and honestly, Saul’s heart seemed hard as stone! Forgiveness is hard, and God would need to work on my heart to help me to forgive the way God did! God’s grace covers us all and is without limit.
God loves and forgives even a person like Saul, who is a murder and persecutor of Christians. Ananias heals Saul by laying his hands on Paul. The Holy Spirit comes and fills Saul. Then immediately someone baptizes Saul. We see him change. We see the miracle that a relationship with God is.
Even the hardest of hearts can be transformed, and honestly, Saul’s heart seemed hard as stone! Forgiveness is hard, and so, God would need to work on my heart to help me to forgive the way God did! God’s grace covers us all and is without limit.
In the healing, Saul accepts and begins a relationship with God, and eventually, we will see Saul go on to very different things than we read in this chapter!
Pretty amazing. I am sure grateful that God sees it through his eyes… and not through the distorted view of our brokenness and sin. God knows that our nature is sinful, and he chooses to forgive us time and time again.