Discussion | Seek God’s Direction
You are listening to the discussion episode for the story, Seek God’s Direction.
King Saul was hasty, not waiting for God’s direction. He jumped into battle and made decisions without consulting God. Jonathan quietly helped the Israelite army and sparked panic among the Philistine troops. This ended in the Israelites chasing down the Philistines and being victorious in the battle.
Story Episode
1 Samuel 14
- Seeking God’s direction is really important. For Saul, the lives of his soldiers and the future of his Kingdom were on the line. What are some ways God has given you direction in the past?
- Is there something you would like direction on? Discuss as a group or with a friend how you could learn of God’s plan for you.
- Saul was really impatient and anxious about a lot of things which prompted him to go ahead without first hearing from God. What things do you know about God that can help you be patient when worried or anxious?
Growth Tip
Jon: This week take some time to be helpful without anyone else knowing about it.
Bradon: Jonathan snuck away with his armour bearer to see what could be done – how they could help. They ended up sparking panic and giving the Israelite army a chance for victory. God used them and they were just trying to be helpful.
Jon: So be secretly helpful this week. Good things will come from it!
Prayer Requests
At the end of your discussion, go around the group and ask for prayer requests.