Don’t Be Selfish

Bible Story Podcast
Bible Story Podcast
Don't Be Selfish

We will be talking about… Hey, don’t be so selfish; I wanted to do the intro today! Exactly! We will be talking about being selfish.

Bible Story Podcast
Bible Story Podcast
Don't Be Selfish

Don’t Be Selfish

Bradon: Our next episode, we will be talking about

Jon: Hey, don’t be so selfish; I wanted to do the intro today

Bradon: Exactly! We will be talking about being selfish

Discussion Episode
1 Samuel 30

About the Story

Bradon: For instance, today, we are taking a lesson that David taught his men. 

Jon: Seems like a good place to take a lesson from, David himself! 

Bradon: I thought so. 

Jon: Up to this point, David and his men were in battle against many cities around them. 

Bradon: David was still avoiding Saul, not necessarily actively running from him but not returning to Israel because Saul would have still wished him dead. 

Jon: Right, AND in all of this, we must keep in mind that David will still be king someday.

Bradon: And that hasn’t happened yet?

Jon: Correct, the prophet, Samuel, anointed David to be the future king before Samuel died, but David has yet to step into that role entirely.


Bradon: He sends gifts to all that have helped them along the way. He celebrated and shared the plunder that they had won. 

Jon: It is odd to think when we are talking about stolen/ re-stolen goods. But the idea here is that God blessed them with this stuff. David’s faithfulness and intention of seeking God allowed him to act in a way that honoured God. 

Bradon: And therefore, rather than hoarding those things, and being selfish with them, which he could have given his position and rank, he shared the winnings! 

Jon: We can do this with not just physical things too.

Bradon: What do you mean?

Jon: Well, God gives us lots of gifts and blessings, we can share all those things, or most of them at least, we share the fruits of the spirit all the time, joy, peace, love, kindness, patience, gentleness, and self-control 

Bradon: well said. So have fun with those things, share those things with others, as God blesses and gives you gifts – Exactly as David Said – “Do not be selfish with what the Lord has given you.”

By Jon Drebert

A little about me: I decided to follow Jesus at a very early age while my mom made cookies and I ate cookie dough. I have an awesome family. My wife and I have three amazing kids. I serve as the Executive Director of Covenant Bay Bible Camp at Pigeon Lake, AB. Outdoor activities, music, sports, and learning are some of my favourite things to do.

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