Have you ever wanted to see someone suffer and hurt badly because you are so angry? God wants to be compassionate, not angry! Unfortunately, when I am upset, I tend to be mad, not sympathetic. It’s not always easy to be compassionate and not angry.
I remember my older brother and me; we would play for hours across the street on these huge sandpits. Every once in awhile, we would get furious at each other, and our playtime would end in a fight. Has that ever happened to you?
Today we are in part 4 of the story of Jonah. The final story of this series and maybe the most bizarre. Now, this part of the story shows us something incredibly important about God. People often leave this part of the story out, but it’s essential. God wants to show his compassion. Compassion is when we feel sorry for someone else. We notice their pain, and we want to do something to help them feel better.
Well, up to this point in the story Jonah ran away from God and swallowed by a massive sea creature. The sea creature spat out Jonah onto dry ground. Jonah went to the Great city of Nineveh and told them that in 40 days, their city would be destroyed.
If you have not already done so, please sign up to be a discussion leader. It does not matter your age or bible understanding. If you can be a good listener and contribute to the discussion, then you would make a great discussion leader, when you sign up, we will send you a few emails with several tips and tricks that will help you to start and lead a discussion group. Since we are not able to meet in person, I think you could even do a discussion via a group chat.
Remember God wants to be compassionate, not angry.