Lies Spill Over
Bradon: Jon!! JOOOOON. When this episode comes out, it will be one of my favourite days of the year!
Jon: Ohh, let me guess… Christmas, groundhog day, um… my birthday
Bradon: no… none of the above… Tune in Monday to find out what my favourite day of the year is and how it ties into our next bible story!
Jon: oooh, a cliffhanger! Intense
Discussion Episode
Genesis 2 and 3
About the Story
Bradon: Today, we will be talking about a BIG topic, which is much of this season. We are exploring some large topics through some stories or specific scripture verses. I am excited about it.
Jon: That’s right. Last week we spoke about “Truth Setting you Free.”
Bradon: Today, on the opposite side of the spectrum, we will be exploring Lies. The danger of lying, and the damage it can do to relationships and that “Lies Spill Over” to all areas of our life.
Bradon: Well, for me, I recognized that I always wanted to try my very best to be genuine and vulnerable in my relationship with God. The garden of Eden was PERFECT, which is even hard for me to wrap my brain around. Adam and Eve gave up a lot by sinning and disobeying God. Their lies spilled over into all the other aspects of their life, the relationship between the two of them, between God and them, in the way they saw themselves, in where they lived. Lies spill over. It’s that simple. They cannot be contained.
Jon: Hmm, that’s really important to remember. We can’t hide our sin from God, and we can’t keep our sin to ourselves. It isn’t something we can only have an impact on certain parts of our lives. It spills over into everything.
Bradon: That may feel really heavy like we can never escape the things we have done wrong. But that’s only if we don’t remember that Gods’ grace and forgiveness cover those things. He sent His son to reconnect us with Him.
Jon: That’s so very true! God doesn’t let sin stand in His way of loving us!
Bradon: Amazingly, we can read scripture, learn from others around us and strive to be more like God every day!
Jon: Pretty amazing gifts we get from God.