Lies Spill Over

Bible Story Podcast
Bible Story Podcast
Lies Spill Over

Lies Spill Over

Bradon: Jon!! JOOOOON. When this episode comes out, it will be one of my favourite days of the year! 

Jon: Ohh, let me guess… Christmas, groundhog day, um… my birthday 

Bradon: no… none of the above… Tune in Monday to find out what my favourite day of the year is and how it ties into our next bible story! 

Jon:  oooh, a cliffhanger! Intense

Discussion Episode

Genesis 2 and 3

Discussion | Lies Spill Over

Bible Story Podcast
Bible Story Podcast
Discussion | Lies Spill Over

Discussion | Lies Spill Over

Bradon: Our discussion Episode for Lies Spill Over starts …. NOW!

Jon: Recap from today, Adam and Eve, A story found in Genesis 2 & 3 were placed in the garden of Eden. They disobeyed a specific rule from God not to eat the fruit from a certain tree. Once they ate the fruit they hid from God in shame and lied when he found them and asked why they were covering themselves. Lies spill over into all parts of our life. Here are the questions for today.

Bradon: Our discussion Episode for Lies Spill Over starts …. NOW!

Jon: Recap from today, Adam and Eve, A story found in Genesis 2 & 3 were placed in the garden of Eden. They disobeyed a specific rule from God not to eat the fruit from a certain tree. Once they ate the fruit they hid from God in shame and lied when he found them and asked why they were covering themselves. Lies spill over into all parts of our life. Here are the questions for today.