Thank God for Healing
Key Point
In today’s story, we are going to see how important it is to thank God for healing.
About the Story
There is not a whole lot of background needed. Jesus and his disciples have been touring around Isreal. Jesus has become incredibly popular because of his teaching and the miracles he has performed. He has healed lots of people, commanded storms to calm and cast out demons. He is doing things that are beyond human ability, and so Jesus has become increasingly popular. People are following him to be healed and to learn from him!
Thank God for healing. It doesn’t matter if it is natural healing from a small cut or something miraculous. Thank God for healing.
We need to go to God and thank him for his healing in our lives. I don’t think it needs to be miraculous for us to thank God for healing.
When I get a cut on my hand, my body can heal itself. That is by design, God’s design, and so it is still his healing!
The other day, I was agitated. Someone had done something to me that hurt me. I was mad and sad all at that same time. When I got to work, I read Colossians 3:13 during my quiet time with God. It said, “Make allowance for each other’s faults, and forgive anyone who offends you.” Well, I sunk low in my chair. I knew I was not being gracious or extending forgiveness. After my quiet time with God, I went to him, and we made things right between us. This person and I found healing in our relationship. My emotional and mental state improved significantly. God heals my emotional and mental state and my relationships too.
We ought to be thanking God for all the healing that he so generously puts into our lives regardless if it could be described as miraculous or as part of the natural healing process. He is our creator and healer, and we can thank him for his generous healing.