The Gift of the Holy Spirit
The Gift of the Holy Spirit to every follower of Jesus Christ is incredible! It also brings about some strange experiences as we will see.
Jon: Bradon, do you know any other languages
Bradon: I learned Spanish in high school and got pretty good at it!
Jon: I wish I could just, like, suddenly chat with you in Spanish. That would be awesome!
Bradon: Coming up on the Bible Story Podcast. Jon is going to talk in a different language!
Discussion Episode
Acts 2
About the Story
Jon: Alright, we have had enough fun for the timing being we need to jump into this story which you can read for yourself in Acts Chapter 2. Today we are going to learn that the Holy Spirit is a gift from God.
Bradon: That’s right, a little background first. The disciples and other believers were still putting all the dots together at this time. A lot had happened since Jesus was raised back to life after being killed, and Jesus had had a few crucial instructions right before he went up to heaven in the clouds.
Jon: That’s right, Jesus did tell the disciples to go back to Jerusalem and wait for the Holy Spirit to come, and that is where we find the disciples at this moment. They were all in a house together praying, and suddenly they began to hear something.
Jon: It is incredible. I did a lousy job speaking in Spanish earlier, and I knew it wouldn’t go well, but it was fun, and Fun is One! But if I suddenly spoke clearly in another language that other people could understand, how would you explain it! It’s beyond my natural ability; it is supernatural!
Bradon: Christians have been given God’s Spirit, and when the Spirit acts, we won’t always be able to explain it.
Jon: I think a key lesson for us today is that the miraculous happens through the Holy Spirit!
Bradon: Listen to Acts 2:43 ‘A deep sense of awe came over them all, and the apostles performed many miraculous signs and wonders.’ Because of the Holy Spirit, all these miraculous events happened, and it was for the people’s good.
Jon: The gift of the Holy Spirit is from God.
Bradon: God gives his Spirit to all who put their faith and trust in Jesus. Listen to what Peter said in Acts 2:38, ‘Peter replied, “Each of you must repent of your sins and turn to God, and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. Then you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.’
Jon: What an incredible gift that is offered to everyone!